We are happy to announce that part number 0393 SS 20 Screw Assembly Pane is now available and ready for immediate shipping! The NSN for part number 0393 SS 20 is 5305015878490. This part is manufactured by Raf Electronic Hardware Inc. Are you looking for the best quote for this part now? You can get an instant quote on this part as soon as you fill out the form.To ensure that you get your quotes quickly, make sure to fill out all the fields below, especially the asterisk (*) marked ones such as Need Parts By and Quantity (ea). Your quote for 0393 SS 20 will be calculated based on the values entered in these fields.
Part Number : 0393 SS 20 | Alternate P/N : 0393SS20 | Item Name : Screw Assembly Pane | NSN : 5305-01-587-8490 | FSC : 5305 Screws |
Manufacturer : Raf Electronic Hardware Inc | CAGE Code : 55566 |
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